
Here you will find external links, e.g. to other foundations or relevant publications/books.

Publications by Ursula Frede


Leiden bei chronischem Schmerz

Vom Warum zum Wozu – Zur Bedeutung einer philosophisch-existenzialistischen Haltung bei der Behandlung von Patienten mit chronischen Schmerzen. Claudia Bozzaro, Dominik Koesling, Ursula Frede




Literature and links Pain Therapy

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schmerzmedizin e.V. (2024) Aktuelles aus der DGS.

Sabatowski R, Kaiser U, Scharnagel R (2021) Interdisziplinäre multimodale Schmerztherapie – Grundlagen und Fallstricke. Anästh Intensivmed 62:334–344. DOI: 10.19224/ai2021.334


Other foundations and charitable organizations

The Vigdis Thompson Foundation – with financial support from the HEAD-Genuit Foundation – is dedicated to the research and treatment of arachnoiditis, a chronic inflammation of the soft membranes of the spinal cord in the lower part of the spinal column, and its special manifestation, the Tarlov system.

The diseases arachnoiditis and Tarlov cysts are extremely rare and little researched. Doctors often misjudge them, confuse them with other diagnoses or ignore them. A long period of suffering with pain, sensory disturbances and restricted mobility is typical. Those affected are severely impaired in their quality of life and rarely receive adequate treatment. There are only a few medical facilities worldwide that specialize in this condition.

In 2024, the Vigdis Thompson Foundation’s field of research was expanded to include neuromuscular dysfunction of the deep back muscles, a significant cause of chronic back pain, which is one of the most common complaints worldwide. Many people suffer from neuromuscular dysfunction of the deep back muscles, especially the multifidus muscle, which is considered one of the most important stabilizers of the lumbosacral spine. Dysfunction of this muscle can also lead to considerable impairment of quality of life.

The Vigdis Thompson Foundation advises and supports patients and provides information on symptoms, diagnostics and treatment options. At the heart of its work are two foundation registers that are open to worldwide access. The data of patients with proven arachnoiditis or Tarlov cysts on the one hand and neuromuscular dysfunction on the other are collected and scientifically analyzed.



The mission of the American Tennant Foundation is to spread knowledge about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of adhesive arachnoiditis worldwide. To this end, the Tennant Foundation maintains a very comprehensive website that provides up-to-date, detailed information about arachnoiditis in 10 languages, such as

  • Diagnosis assistance
  • Causes and effects
  • Recommendations on diet and exercise
  • Information on blood tests for medical treatment
  • Explanations and treatment recommendations for spinal fluid leakage
  • Treatment protocols
  • One-page, easy-to-understand bulletins for improved patient care
  • and much more.



Further information on arachnoiditis can be found on the ACMRN website. The ACMRN (Arachnoiditis & Chronic Meningitis Collaborative Research Network) is a Canadian non-profit organization founded in 2017 to serve patients, physicians and researchers in the global arachnoiditis community. In addition to a wealth of information on the disease and current treatment options, this website also contains case reports from sufferers and a list of doctors who deal with arachnoiditis worldwide. You select the country and receive the name and address of doctors.
