What is funded?

The HEAD-Genuit-Foundation promotes modern technical processes, people and institutions from science and research that are committed to optimizing the acoustic environment in public spaces and in all types of buildings and institutions.

  • Guest and endowed professorships
  • Dissertations
  • Study and research projects
  • Events and awards – e.g. Best Paper Award
  • Lecture tours and travel grants for research projects
  • Measurements and legal assistance for people affected by noise pollution
  • Rental of measuring equipment

The HEAD-Genuit-Foundation promotes the development of pioneering procedures and therapies aimed at optimizing the quality of life of people with arachnopathy and general chronic pain.

  • Guest and endowed professorships
  • Dissertations
  • Study and research projects
  • Events

Costs eligible for funding

Which costs of a research project can be taken into account?

  • Personnel costs
    • Scientific staff according to TV-L / TVöD
    • Student and research assistants according to BAT or company wage scale
    • Non-scientific staff according to BAT or company pay scale
  • Material costs
  • Travel expenses & conference fees
  • Publication costs

In the case of individual company research and development activities for the development of innovative products, processes or technical services, the eligible project costs are funded proportionately at 30 – 40% in accordance with ZIM.


Which costs cannot be taken into account?

  • Indirect costs / expense allowances
  • Personal emoluments of the project management (except in cases where funds are made available to finance the “own position”),
  • Expenditure for administrative activities,
  • Expenses for construction and furnishing measures, rent,
  • Expenditure on general institute equipment (e.g. office furniture, hand tools, protective clothing), office supplies, calculators, postage and telecommunication charges,
  • Operating and maintenance costs (e.g. electricity, gas, water, coolant), maintenance contracts,contributions to property insurance, expenses for letters of protection,
  • Expenses for the use of own service facilities (such as computer centers or other services, including scientific services) on the basis of an internal university service charge,
  • Expenditure on equipment which (for the respective subject) is to be counted as modern basic equipment,
  • Expenditure for the completion or repair of equipment that is not the property of the HEAD-Genuit Foundation,
  • VAT amounts, insofar as they can be deducted as input tax.